What to Expect
When you join us you can expect a warm welcome, great Bible teaching and a fantastic sense of community as we all pull together with a shared goal of studying God's word (the Bible) and encouraging one another.
But normally...
Whenever you choose to visit us, you will find a relaxed atmosphere and a warm welcome.
Casual dress is fine - no need to put on your best suit!
If you visit us on a Sunday morning you can expect:
Coffee available from 10am
Approximately 150 people.
To park either on the street or in a local car park. We do not have a car park but there is plenty of parking in Crow Lane and surrounding roads, and a car park close by. See map for details.
A church member to meet you at the door and direct you upstairs to our meeting room. A lift on the ground floor is available for those who need easy access - just ask!
Creche facilities and staff to welcome your child in the main hall on the ground floor where lots of toys, dressing up, active play and drinks are available. You can stay with your child to get them settled, or use the creche at any point during the meeting.
Good baby-change facilities in the easy-access toilet on the ground floor. Breastfeeding is welcome, and if you want privacy there is also a changing room at the back of the main meeting hall, comfortable chairs in creche, or the lounge area [downstairs at the back of the shop].
Plenty to keep the kids happy. All children up to the age of 11 are welcome to join the Bible Learning Together team for their own programme on Sunday mornings. See our main meetings page for more information.
Everyone to stay together for the first 30 minutes when we'll sing, pray, read the Bible and hear any news or announcements we need to be aware of. Then the Bible Learning Together team take the children out to their own teaching session while everyone over 11 is taught from the Bible. The 10.30am meeting ends before midday, and all are welcome to stay for a chat over tea and coffee. Sometimes the structure of our meeting changes - please see the main meetings page for information on times and evening meetings.
Teaching from the Bible. We usually look at a whole book of the Bible over a number of weeks. The aim is to teach a message that is relevant to our lives as individuals and as a church family - to build us up, challenge, encourage and inspire us to follow Jesus Christ's example.
No collection plates! We do not collect any money during our meetings. There are boxes at the entrances to give anonymously if you wish. These are checked and emptied after every meeting.