Regular Groups
We are seeking to be a space that local community groups can use free of charge. We currently have the following groups that use our space for their regular meetings:
NCT Medway Bumps & Babies meet on the second Tuesday of the month from 10:00 to 12:00 in the back area of our coffee shop. There are baby toys available plus a changing table. All are welcome but NCT Medway ask you to book your place on their website prior to attending. You can find more out by following them on facebook: NCT Medway | Facebook
Bible Study Groups meet on alternate Tuesday’s at 12:00 or alternate Thursdays at 10:00 to spend time together learning more about God and praying together. If you would like to get involved then please speak to a member of our team to find out more. These are run by our church, Rochester Baptist.
Medway Mums Meet Up & Event: Rochester Coffee Morning meet every Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00 in the back area of our coffee shop. There are toys available for the children to play with while mums can enjoy a drink and something to eat. All are welcome so do come along if you would like to get to know other friendly mums in the local area. You can join their facebook group at: Medway Mums Meet-Ups & Events | Facebook
Come and Meet Each Other (CAMEO) meet fortnightly on Thursdays from 10:30 to 12:00 in the back area of our coffee shop. This group is for those aged over 60 to come together for a time to chat, take part in quizzes and hear a little about who God is. This is run by our church, Rochester Baptist. If you would like to come along then all are welcome and they are a very friendly group.
Coffee and Craft meet fortnightly on Thursdays from 10:30 to 12:00 in the back area of our coffee shop. Bring along your own craft (e.g. sewing, diamond art, colouring, etc) to do while chatting with others. This group is open to everyone with a love for craft and everyone is very welcoming of newcomers.
The Medway Language Café meet fortnightly on Thursdays from 18:30 to 20:30. This is run by a local TEFL teacher who had a vision to set up a group where people of all nationalities could come along to practice speaking different languages and get to know one another. People attend from so many different countries and they arrive as strangers but leave as friends. You can join their facebook group at: The Medway Language Café | Facebook
NCT Medway Mums-to-be Afternoon Teas happen on a Saturday afternoon and give expectant mothers the chance to meet others in the same position. The next event is on Saturday 15th October at 12:30 until 14:30 in the back area of our coffee shop. All those expecting a baby are welcome for free but places must be booked on the NCT website in advance. . You can find more out by following them on facebook: NCT Medway | Facebook
The Rochester Eco Hub Eco Talks happen on the second Wednesday every other month at 20:00. The next one will be given by the Green Doctors with top tips on how to save money on your energy bills while helping to reduce your impact on our climate. To find out more, follow them on facebook: The Rochester Eco Hub | Facebook