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Christianity Explored

We regularly run the Christianity Explored course which is an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to look more closely at the Christian faith.


The course covers topics including:

What are we doing here?
Who is Jesus?
Why did Jesus come?
Why did Jesus die?
Why did Jesus rise?
How can God accept us?

What does it mean?


The topic for the week is presented and discussed in small groups in a relaxed atmosphere which gives lots of opportunities to ask questions.


If you are looking to ask questions about what it means to follow Jesus, are a new Christian who wants to explore some of the truths of your faith, or a more mature believer who wants to revisit the life and work of Jesus, this is the right course for you.


During this seven-week course you'll have the opportunity to ask any questions you have, or simply sit and listen. 


To find out more or book your place on a future course, contact us.

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